Office Contacts
The textile, textile product, and apparel manufacturing industries include establishments that process fiber into fabric and fabric into clothing and other textile products. While most apparel manufacturers worldwide rely on people to cut and sew pieces of fabric together
Bangkok Thailand 10160
Fax: 02 420 9000
Whistleblowing Channel
This Whistleblowing Channel is for all stakeholders of our organization as well external parties.
Anyone can report anonymously through the whistleblowing channel.
Both our employees and anyone associated with our organization can use our Whistleblowing Channel to report,
for example, the following kinds of violations or suspicions of wrongdoing anonymously:
Bribery, corruption and money laundering
The gray economy
Violation of environmental and occupational safety legislation
Violation of data protection law
Violation of product safety legislation
Interference with the right of workers to organization
Complaints should contain at least the following information:
(1) Name and last name, address, phone number, and E-mail address of the whistle-blower(s)
(if they choose to come forward with their identification)
(2) Name and last name of the person(s) complained about
(3) Facts or behavior of such person(s)
(4) Supporting documents, if available.
Protection of Whistle-Blowers and Related Parties
Whistle-blowers are to be suitably and fairly protected by TTT Group, which implies no change in job tittles, workplaces,
threats, job harassment, dismissal, or unfair actions. TTT Group will keep their complaints confidential and not disclose them to
unrelated parties except when required by law.
Whistle-Blowing Channels:
Stating explicitly that the information is confidential, whistle-blowers can file matters through the following channels:
Organizational Website: External parties can submit whistleblowing reports through our dedicated website page.
Adress : 21 Macharoen Phetkasem 81 rd. ,Nongkhaem , Bangkok 10160
Email Address:
Contact : 02-431 0050 extensions 1900 and 1300

Thongthai Textile (Sampran)
Yaicha, Samphran, Nakornpathom 73110
Tel : 034-225-469, 034-323-297
Fax: 0 34-323-296
Call Us or Fill the Form
Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 18:00 / Closed on weekends